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No institution is currently offering a specialized degree in Ancient Science. However, numerous institutions offer undergraduate modules, while others also offer postgraduate (or even doctorate) programs. This page provides a list of those institutions. For additional information, please visit the institutions’ web pages.


Austria (Vienna)

University of Vienna

Dep. of Science and Technology Studies

Canada (Toronto)

University of Toronto

Inst. for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

Canada (Vancouver)

University of British Columbia

Dep. of Philosophy

China (Beijing)

Tsingua University

Dep. of the History of Science

Denmark (Aarhus)

Aarhus University

Centre for Science Studies

France (Aubervillier)

Centre Alexandre-Koyré

History of Science and Technology

France (Paris)


History and Civilizations

France (Paris)


Anthropology and History of the Ancient World

France (Paris)

Sorbonne University

History: Ancient / Medieval Mediterranean Worlds

Germany (Berlin)

Technical University

Inst. of History and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Literature

Germany (Berlin)


Institute for the History of Science

Germany (Berlin)

Humboldt University of Berlin

Dep. of Philosophy

Greece (Athens)

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Dep. of History and Philosophy of Science

Hungary (Budapest)

ELTE University

Faculty of Science

Israel (Tel Aviv)

University of Tel Aviv

Cohn Inst. for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas

Japan (Tokyo)

University of Tokyo

Dep. of History and Philosophy of Science

Netherlands (Groningen)

University of Groningen

Faculty of Philosophy

Portugal (Caparica)

NOVA School of Science and Technology

Dep. of Applied Social Sciences

South Korea (Seoul)

Seoul National University

Program in History and Philosophy of Science

Spain (Barcelona)

Autonomous University of Barcelona

Faculty of Science

Sweden (Stockholm)

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Dep. of Philosophy and History

Switzerland (Zurich)

ETH Zurich

Chair of History and Philosophy of Mathematical Sciences

Turkey (Istanbul)

Istanbul Technical University

Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences

UK (Cambridge)

University of Cambridge

Dep. of History and Philosophy of Science

UK (Durham)

Durham University

Dep. of History

UK (Leeds)

University of Leeds

School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science

UK (London)

University of London

The Warburg Institute

UK (London)

University College London

Dep. of Science and Technology Studies

UK (Manchester)

University of Manchester

Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health

UK (Oxford)

University of Oxford

Faculty of History


University of Bristol

Dep. of Philosophy

USA (Amherst)

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Dep. of History

USA (Austin)

University of Texas

Dep. of History

USA (Baltimore)

Johns Hopkins University

Dep. of History of Science & Tecnology

USA (Berkeley)

University of California-Berkeley

Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, & Society

USA (Bloomington)

Indiana University Bloomington

Dep. of History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine

USA (Cambridge)

Harvard University

Dep. of the History of Science

USA (Chicago)

University of Chicago

Committee on the Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science

USA (Cleveland)

Case Western Reserve University

Dep. of Philosophy / Dep. of History

USA (Corvallis)

Oregon State University

School of History, Philosophy, Religion

USA (Durham)

Duke University

Dep. of History

USA (East Lansing)

Michigan State University

Lyman Briggs College

USA (Hamden)

Quinnipiac University

College of Arts & Sciences

USA (Irving)

University of Dallas

Constantin College of Liberal Arts

USA (New Haven)

Yale University

Program in the History of Science and Medicine

USA (New York)

University of Columbia

Dep. of History

USA (Norman)

University of Oklahoma

Dep. of History of Science

USA (Notre Dame)

University of Notre Dame

John J. Reilly Center Science Technology Values

USA (Philadelphia)

University of Pennsylvania

Dep. of Philosophy

USA (Pittsburgh)

University of Pittsburgh

Dep. of History Philosophy of Science

USA (Princeton)

Princeton University

Dep. of History

USA (Stanford)

Stanford University

School of Humanities & Sciences

USA (Tempe)

Arizona State University

School of Life Sciences

USA (Washington)

University of Washington

Dep. of Philosophy

USA (Washington)

University of Washington

Dep. of History

University of Vienna
Univesit of Toronto
Univesity of British Columbia
Tsingua University
Aarhus University
Centre Alexandre- Koyre
Sorbonne University
Humboldt University og Berlin
Tecnical University
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