Our project seeks to collect, organize, and present all free digital information on Ancient Science that is currently hosted by various personal and institutional websites. We hope that this free online collective database will help prospective students, current students of all ranks, and scholars to better navigate the digital footprints of our discipline. The ‘Ancient Science Portal’ project is created by a group of students and staff members of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) and is hosted by the Laboratory for the Electronic Processing of Historical Archives.
Our project seeks to collect, organize, and present all free digital information on Ancient Science that is currently hosted by various personal and institutional websites. We hope that this free online collective database will help prospective students, current students of all ranks, and scholars to better navigate the digital footprints of our discipline. The ‘Ancient Science Portal’ project is created by a group of students and staff members of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) and is hosted by the Laboratory for the Electronic Processing of Historical Archives.
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
This page provides links to the printed standard editions of ancient Greek and Islamic scientific texts. You will also find here databases that provide access to free digital editions.
Treasure them wisely!
Digital Collections
These collective databases provide access to free digital editions of ancient scientific texts. If you connect via your institution VPN, you will have access also to licensed material (depending on your institution’s subscriptions).
Conics (vol. I, Vol. II)
On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and the Moon
On the Circular Motions of the Celestial Bodies
Division of the Canon
Elements (Vol.I, Vol.II, Vol. III, Vol. IV)
Introduction to Harmonics
Mechanics (in Arabic)
Collection (Vol.I, Vol II, Vol. III) Mathematics
Commentary on Book X of the Elements (in Arabic)
Handy Tables
Planetary Hypotheses
Risings of the Fixed Stars
The Cattle Problem
On Conoids and Spheroids
On the Equilibrium of Planes
On Floating Bodies
Measurement of a Circle
Quadrature of the Parabola
The Sand Reckoner
On Spirals
On the Sphere and Cylinder
On the Moving Sphere
On Risings and Settings
Measurement of Marbles and Various Woods
On Polygonal Numbers
Commentary on the Conics
Commentary on the Equilibrium of Planes
Commentary of the Measurement of a Circle
Commentary of the Sphere and Cylinder
On the General Science of Mathematics
Commentary on Nicomachus' Introduction to Arithmetic
The Theology of Arithmetic
Astronomical Hypotheses
Elements of Physics
Commentary on Book I of the Elements
On the Section of a Cylinder
On the Section of a Cone